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3 Ways Solar Energy Can Be Used at Home

3 Ways Solar Energy Can Be Used at Home

Solar energy comes from the sun. That is a known fact but yet it is sometimes taken so much for granted. With the excess consumption of non-renewable resources such as oil, coal and gas there has been a steady decline of them in the recent past. Along with the fast-reducing consumption other issues such as the environmental destruction from the extraction of them has become a concerning issue.

Massive holes are dredged into the sea for the extraction of oil and the badly constructed coalmines have resulted in land instability and even death to many over the many years. Therefore, due to the growing concern people have turned to the alternative that is solar energy. Extracting the sun’s heat to power appliances and storing it for future use. If you are too considering getting solar panels for your home here are 3 ways it can be used.

Solar Electricity

The installations of solar panels are able to cut down your electricity consumption drastically, especially in the summer months. Due to the summer heat and high temperatures a lot of solar energy can be absorbed to power everyday appliances in the house. Some of the appliances that can be powered through solar energy are air conditioners, televisions, microwaves and other appliances that consume a lot of electricity.

Since the electricity is stored it can even be used in the night or on days there isn’t much heat. A tip to maximizing your solar panels are by installing them on the roof that attracts the most heat and light. If you are looking for Solar Panel installers Brisbane based there are reputed companies that are ideal for the task.

Water heating

Water heaters take up a lot of electricity; they are easily one of the most electricity consuming home appliances in a household. It does not help if your pool has water heating too. Installing solar panels for water heating is a great idea if it is to power the heating system of a pool.

This was the electricity can be stored even in winter or colder months for when a warm pool is highly necessary. Using solar power for water heating is a huge cost-effective method and can bring down your electricity consumption and bill by a great amount.

Solar lighting

One of the most common mistakes we commonly make in our homes is keeping the lights on when not needed. Our mistake costs us a high electricity bill but that can be solved with the use of solar energy. If you require the constant use of electricity such as keeping a heater, air conditioner or humidifier on for a baby or even porch lights throughout the night, solar energy can be consumed thus reducing the usage of power from the main grid.

Using solar energy has proven to be a cost effective and environmentally conscious option. Although installation cost is very high the benefits are numerous. The extra energy can also be sent back to the main grid where you can earn.

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