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What to Know About the All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure

What to Know About the All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure

If you are missing a number of teeth or facing complete tooth loss, an ideal solution that can be considered is the all-on-4 dental implants. This can help restore the aesthetics of your smile and your oral function.

Four dental implants are used in QLD All on 4 Dental Implants and they can support a full arch whether it is a denture or bridge. Traditional dental implants tend to require multiple implants for one missing tooth. But the available bone will be maximised in the all-on-4 procedure so that the prosthesis can be stabilised and supported properly. This is done by strategically angling the dental implants. There is minimal surgery as a result and you will be able to enjoy reduced downtime. There are several steps involved with the all-on-4 procedure. First, the dentist will carry out a comprehensive examination and plan the treatment carefully. They will evaluate your oral health and bone density to decide whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. They will also use advanced imaging techniques such as CT scans and X-rays so that the structure of your jawbone can be assessed. This allows them to determine where to place the dental implants for greatest effect.

You will need to be under sedation

Or anaesthesia for the procedure and the four dental implants will be placed into the jawbone. The locations for placements are predetermined. They will accurately place the implants at the right angle so that maximum contact with your available bon can be achieved. This will ensure optimal support and stability for the prosthesis. Sometimes, there will be temporary prosthetic teeth attached to the implant immediately after the surgery so that you will be able to enjoy oral function and an aesthetically pleasing smile. The temporary prosthesis will need to be worn for some time so that you can heal. The implants will integrate with the surrounding bone during this time. The final prosthesis will be fabricated by the clinic and attached to the implants later on. This will be customised to the shape, size and colour of your natural teeth so that you can enjoy a more natural appearance.

There are many benefits of choosing

The all-on-4 procedure over traditional tooth replacement options. The treatment time is reduced and you will generally be able to complete the procedure in a day so that you can leave the dental clinic with a full set of functional teeth. You don’t have to worry about going for multiple surgeries as with traditional implant procedures and this will reduce downtime considerably. You will have a shorter recovery time. And as available bone is used strategically, the implants can actually help preserve your bone density. As they act as artificial tooth roots, they will prevent bone loss in the jaw. The prosthesis is also custom designed to your smile aesthetics so that the implants will mimic your natural teeth. You will be able to have a higher quality of life and more confidence after the procedure.