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Tips for Selecting Park Furniture

Tips for Selecting Park Furniture

Public parks are a place where residents can relax and socialise. When selecting park furniture, you have to make sure that it improves the overall experience for visitors to the park.

You have to consider the local environment and the climate when selecting park furniture.

There are different weather conditions in different regions such as scorching sun, heavy rainfall and snow. You need to therefore, choose materials that can withstand these particular weather conditions. For example, you can select treated wood, UV resistant plastic and corrosion resistant metals. Some examples can be found on jndoutdoorfurniture.com.au. By choosing materials that can resist weather, you will be able to improve durability. This way, you will not need to replace the furniture often. Something you need to think about when choosing park furniture is ensuring diverse seating options. There will be people of all ages frequenting the park and they will use the park for so many different activities. You can include picnic tables, traditional benches etc. so that different experiences can be provided. Think about the users of the park whether it is families that come with children, individuals seeking solitude, groups of friends etc. You need to have furniture styles to cater to all these users. Having a combination of furniture styles can also add some visual interest.

Accessibility has to be considered when choosing park furniture.

The park has to be accessible to people of all ages and levels of physical abilities. So you need to make sure that seating areas created are wheelchair accessible. You can also add armrests to benches so that anybody with mobility challenges can use this as leverage. The height and the design of the tables have to be considered as well when it comes to including individuals in wheelchairs. All of this can help create an inclusive and inviting environment. This allows all the residents to participate and it can create a strong sense of belonging. Consider the maintenance requirements of the materials chosen. There is high foot traffic when it comes to parks and there will be a higher level of wear and tear that the furniture is subjected to. Therefore, it is important to select low maintenance materials that can be easy to clean and can bear heavy use.

Some durable materials you can look for are treated wood,

Metals that are powder-coated, recycled plastics etc. Other factors you need to consider will be whether the materials are resistant to vandalism and whether they are durable. Having minimal maintenance requirements is ideal. Check whether the materials are resistant to graffiti and stains. This allows for easy maintenance of the park. The need for shelter and shade is very important when selecting park furniture. You can therefore add built-in umbrellas for the tables or have shelters for where the seating arrangements are placed. You can also consider eco-friendly options for park furniture. For example, there are materials that can be recycled or are made from recycled materials. There are also energy efficient furniture designs where there are solar powered charging stations integrated into seating.